
問:信徒死時,從基督得著甚麼益處? 答:其靈魂 (一)在聖潔上完全, (二)立刻進入榮耀; (三)其身體既仍與基督聯合,就確實在墳墓裡安息,直到復活


(The souls of believers are, at their death, made perfect in holiness, and do immediately pass into glory; and their bodies being still united to Christ, do rest in their graves till the resurrection)



  • 基督徒和非基督徒在死後–到復活之前的差異


  • 靈魂去處的差異

A. 基督徒在聖潔上完全,立刻進入榮耀

來 12:23 路 23:43 腓立比書 1:23


B. 非基督徒則在靈魂上承受痛苦

路加福音 16:23-24   猶 1:6-7   



  • 肉身去處的差異

A. 基督徒的身體是在等候完全被贖(waiting for the full redemption of their bodies)

羅 8:23   詩 16:9-10


B. 非基督徒的身體是在等候大審判 (同上猶6-7)